Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Baby Moment - Mammam

This post might not mean much to you readers but I just couldn't help blogging about it. You know, I do go pretty random once in a blue moon. I'll say random things, make random noises or do something so totally out of the blue that people would just give me a blank stare, lost in my insanity moment. And then I would end up laughing at my poor victim and walk away. I think my 9-month old baby niece had inherited that bit of insanity from me (or my mother. I don't know which).

She's currently learning how to talk. Unless she wants to eat her mother, I don't think she understands what she's saying/gurgling when she goes, "Mammam Ma!". So the family was having dinner and she was happy sitting on her bright yellow training chair, accessorizing the chair with bits and pieces of her biscuit when suddenly she just went, "Mammammam!". It was really a cute moment and we started smiling and chuckling. I guess she knew she had an audience because she began entertaining us with a Mammam song and I started giggling.

Then she looked at me and went, "MamMAAAAmm maaam ma- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Only that didn't cause me to have a blank stare, it caused me to burst into laughter alongside her mother. Oh gosh, if she gives me anymore funny surprises I'm going to die of her cuteness. Really.

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