Saturday, January 26, 2008

Dying Blog

Yes, this blog is dying. As in hanging for dear life on a puny little string that might break anytime. Not sure if anyone visits this poor little dying blog anymore, but what the heck. I'll update for the fun of it.

I'm planning to revamp this blog and give it a more darker colour (maybe). BUT the reason why this layout isn't changed yet is because I don't have photoshop! I deleted my last photoshop. Sad sad, cry cry. Why the stupidity? Don't ask. Long story. I'm thinking of changing the link as well. Kind of old. Yes? No?

A little update on my life. I have shifted from Wawasan 4 to Puchong Hartamas. The house isn't even ready yet. No phone, no TV, internet whacky, anddd.... still new. Yup. Staying with my brother's family since he can't maintain two houses. Goodbye Wawasan 4. *insert sad face here*

I also managed to flunk my driving exam. Lovely, huh? Let's see what happened. I passed the on the road, I passed the hill, the parking... all is perfect except one thing. 3 freaking point turn. No 'kayu' to see but only yellow lines on the floor. Once hit the yellow line, your dreams of having a P license, *poof* gone. Now I have to take it on 5th Feb. Waste of my time. I can't make it! I need to go see him!!! Nooooooo....

Okay so here ends my little crazy rant. Why? Because I'm rushing. I'm at my old house (which is bare of furniture by the way save the computer and piano) and class is like... 20 mins more. Where's my mommy???! I can't walk to class! Uh... gotta go. Need... do... last minute homework.

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