TWO words. Who cares? The purpose of my blog is to speak out whatever's inside of me. Not to gain popularity. It is purely for fun and for my own use. I don't mind people reading and commenting my stuffs as long as they keep it polite. I would love people saying that my posts are good and that they take into consideration what I wrote. I wouldn't mind some constructive criticisms either. But this blog, is just for fun. For me. It doesn't have to be oh-so-good with 1000 visitors or with the shoutbox filled with SPAM (though it would be nice) and it doesn't have to be "cooler" or "better" than anyone elses. It's just a place where I put my thoughts and write as I like, boring or not. And frankly, I don't mind if this blog has only one reader. At least this blog still has a visitor. Thanks to whoever reads my crap. =) Oh and to anyone who comes here looking for inspiration, I'm so sorry but you've just stepped into the wrong place. Posts have been flat for months. =P
Okay, with those thoughts aside, let's crap 'bout how I feel about today. I'm tired, sleepy and possibly a little cranky. I can't get to sleep cause it's kinda late right now and dinner is coming soon. I had to prepare food for tomorrow's party (Joanna's preparing food, people!!! Pigs can fly!!!). I felt I need to do SOMETHING, since I've got no gift whatsoever to give the Birthday Girl.
First, me and a couple of friends went to Tesco to get the stuffs. It's like preparing for a famine except that we're taking whats nice to eat. I think we stayed longer at the meat section. My legs feel tired after all that walking around and standing. And I kept turning to my mom for consultation on what to buy. We had only RM100 to spend. And what do you get when you put 3 clueless girls with just a hundred to spend? Over budget. We over spent. Had to cancel out a sparkling juice before it gets scanned. They even wanted to buy other things! No money la...
So okay. Shopping done. Now we just had to prepare the food. Went home and my mom made us wash the meat first. The chicken was the lucky number one. We're supposed to clean it and pick the remains of the feather out. But we ended up doing muuuccchh more. The two didn't want their hands to smell of chicken, so they made gloves out of plastic bags they stole from Tesco. However, the plan failed and they eventually had to use their own bare hands. Hope was still buring so they tried to make gloves out of cling wraps but that failed miserably too. Then, Pau saw the amount of fat that was in the chicken skin and she kept complaining that it was cholesterol so we have to cut it out or she won't eat. So here we go, one by one, through the chicken, cleaning it and cutting out the fats. Then we rinsed and re-rinsed and rinsed the chicken wings again until our hands started looking like prunes.
Next was the lamb! Well, nothing much happened here. Just rinsing and rinsing and rinsing... And soon it was time to chop vegetables for the coleslaw. My mom showed us once with her fine (and fast) chopping skills. We watched in awe and amazement as my mom and the chopper moved harmoniously together, making the cabbage into small little pieces. I tried, and it was... o-k. Then Pau tried, and she was so cute XD! I think she hadn't held a chopper before. Then it was Michelle's turn but she said her hand was cramped, thus the cacat-ed chopping. Oh we're so shameful.
Well, Pau's dad came to pick her up so the two left. Now I'm stuck with boiled potatoes waiting to be peeled. The horror. My body and eyes can't hold up any longer... Though my fingers would still find it very easy to keep typing this. Should I keep typing? I can't find the words to decribe any other thing right now. Oh and my internet's all whacky. It keeps disconnecting after 15 minutes and then it'll redail and redail and redail for 30 minutes more before it can connect back again. It's so annoying. I can't even browse the web leisurely. I need to RUSH!
Do you think maybe I could use this post as my essay? I'm sure it reached more than 350 words.. Ah, alright, my eyes are going to go blur staring at the screen like this...
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