Sunday, April 15, 2007


Media. Our source of entertainment. Something we turn to in times of boredom, anger, sadness, happiness, etc.etc. It's so convenient. You can watch your favourite shows on the TV, watch movies you missed on HBO, Cinemax, and Star Movie (that is if you have Astro but I'm sure national TV shows them as well). You can watch the cartoons you used to watch when you were young (though you won't admit it to anyone) and get in tune to the lastest music videos. With the radio, you can listen to your favourite DJ talk crap, put in a CD and listen to your favourite band or singer sing. And since the technology industry grows like mushrooms after rain, you can fit all of these into a handphone and bring it wherever you want, stream whatever you want and whever you want (provided you have the money for it). My point is, the media is our escape for relief and boredom.

BUT, isn't it all a little scary? I mean, with all these convenient entertainments creeping up, maybe the thing we need to escape from, is them! Most teens (and adults) nowadays can't live without their mobile. It's a convenient tool for communication and last time, it was just that. Now, it's a tv-radio-camera-computer all rolled, squished, and compacted into one! We can't escape it (unless of course, you throw away all means of technology, run away to the jungle and live like the orang asli)! It's so easy for us to become addicted.

Look at those who play online games or any games for that matter. They can spend hours on end just trying to freaking level up! To those who don't play games, you would view this as completely pointless. Throw away time to just get to the next level? OMG!!! (G=Goodness, not God. Thou shall not use the name of your Lord in vain.) But to them, it's like scoring A's in an exam or sniffing drugs to get high. It's a rush of endorphin and just a dash of andrenaline. Games are even used as a mean to escape into a fantasy, to keep the mind off things and/or complicated problems. And like drugs, once you're on it, you're completely hooked. I congratulate those of you who had stopped your gaming addiction.

And the internet. It has access to almost anything now. 24 hours won't complete the search cycle of everything in it. It's like a bottomless pit filled with useless and useful information. Music lovers would search for their music, graphic lovers would search for pictures to play in photoshop, gamers will look for their games, and the others are just happy chatting their time away. It's hard not to get addicted. It's hard to escape.

These entertainments eat our time and excrete it to the land of no turning back time. We'll procastinate, fight for the remote controls, and spend money on bills. Then, once we have a chance to come up for air, we realise what precious time we've wasted. Soon, they pull us back again and we continue to procastinate! Can we ever escape entertainment's death grip???

Well, maybe not. We're so used to these things that we find it hard to live without. For those of you who aren't affected by entertainment technology, I applaud you. Either that or you're just too busy. If that's the case, I pity you. Now that I've neared the end of this almost pointless post, I shall continue searching for stuff to do... on the internet.

I'm a sinner. Back to procastinating...

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