Saturday, August 2, 2008

Cowboys and Girls Are Busy

So, I was supposed to update this like waaaayy earlier, but stuff just kept coming up and thus, I spend less time on my blog. Anyway, since someone requested for an update on one particular subject, so here it is (=

[By the way, my internet has been cranky all day and even now at 1:10a.m it does not allow me to blog. It’s super freaking slow! I felt like beating the Mbps-es out of it! Argh!]

Hm. So on CIMP’s first assembly day, we were supposed to perform for the sake of entertainment. And as I said on last post, it’s a Jay Chou country cowboy song! Pictures are taken and videos too! I can’t say the dance was a success, but it isn’t really a failure either. Hey it made people cheer and made us dancers laugh so it shouldn’t be bad. In fact, it’s a great memory to remember! A performance dance that only took a week to practice with inexperienced people and still come out alright should be a cause for celebration. I can only currently afford to upload the pictures for now. The video might take some time. So stay tuned! ^^

From left: Kelvin, Melissa, Nadia, Mei (in front), Adeline, Me, Celine and Izzat.

The guys still looked happy even though all the girls are wishing they’re shot. Hm.

Here’s me and Adeline SS-ing with our suits XD

Full body view!

We look kinda like seafood (lala) but it’s okay. Look’s good, actually. Haha! During the dance, the huge cowboy hat kept falling down my forehead and covered like half of my head. Catherine came to me during lunch and was like, “Can you see when you dance arh?”

This is when I hate being small. Oh well, at least it has advantages as well ;)

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