Okay, so for most of you who don't know, I'm studying in Sunway University College (if you don't know where is that, google the map of Selangor) and it's super freaking expensive. A pen that cost 70cents is tagged RM1, the cheapest food you can find here is a small piece of banana cake which cost 80cents. Otherwise, sandwiches and bigger portions of food are RM2 and above (except for Nasi Lemak but that is always out of stock.) So enough about the amazing prices of Sun-U, I am taking a course which has a super long name: Canadian Matriculation Program (CIMP). It's quite good, really. I like the people in my class. Friendly, helpful... and rich! Okay, no, I'm not looking at their rich part, just commenting that they are rich.
Anyway, first day of class I met two very nice people. Since then we've been spending our lunch time together and everything. I also met a girl who has the same sir name and almost same chinese name as me! I sit with her almost every class. Haha. Besides that, this is the break down of my schedule for a whole week:
Back home: If a Monday and Wednesday, from 4pm til 7pm I could do a darn thing I want.. But most probably sleeping. Then it's off to teaching kids until 10. (I feel so old). When I get home I got to rush up doing my homeworks, then it'll be around 11-12 when I sleep.
Friday: Morning free, night teach.
Saturday: 1pm-2pm piano class. The rest, depending on my mom.
Sunday: Church! And Sunday Class! Then I'm FREEEEEEEE.... Then it's back to Monday :(
How's CIMP like? Hmm... too early to tell. So far I'm only studying 2 subjects this sem. Maths and English (by the way the English is a Grade 10 standard but seems kind of hard *cries*). Orientation day, English Test. First day, English Test. A week after, BIG ENGLISH TEST. Which is today =) Exam lasted from 9am til 3:45pm. My brain was rotting itself in the AC room. So freaking cold.
Okay, so now I get to the point of this post. So after exam, I found out it was early for me and my friend finishes at 6pm. I didn't want to wait that long so I told him I'll go home myself (my car is parked in the college). Then I realised I'm completely broke, with no money to pay for the expensive parking and toll. 'Kay so my friend told me he'll lend me some money first, find him in the computer lab. After getting five bucks from him, I tried to walk out of the lab. Notice the word tried. The door wouldn't open. I looked up at the sensor, with my "What are you doing to me??" eyes and waved at it. Still didn't open. I walked a few steps away from the door and walked to it again. Nope, not opening. Then I turned behind and I saw this guy walking towards the door, stopped right at the door and it opened. What the.... Man I was so embarrassed. Do doors have a thing agaisn't me?
What did I do after that? Instead of saying a sweet "Thank you" to my saviour, I just chuckled shyly and rushed out of there. AM I TOO SHORT??! Geez. Dumb computer lab door.
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