Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Randomness Of It All

Create your own quizzaaaa

For the record, the idea of a "true friend" test is absurd when you just have to click an answer for several stupid questions and be graded. I just did this for fun.

Hmm... it seems that I've been tagged.

RULE: Each player of the game starts off with the 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

Weird: I am trying to gain weight when the people around me are trying to lose weight. The irony is that they gain weight while I lose weight!

Habit: I loooovee to sing my head off. Sometimes it's embarrassing, but I prefer singing than shutting up.

Fact: I can be vain... very vain.

Weird: Sometimes feel like I don't belong in this body. Like my character inside don't match my looks. Haha.

Fact: I get emotional easily. The factors are reality, movies, music... etc. etc.

Fact: I'm crazy over Avril Lavigne. I like her music and her style even though she's changed. She still looks good and sounds good. People mature :)

Fact: My nose is sensitive to dust... I think.

Fact: I don't like perfume (except for really really mild smells). Especially those strong smelling ones. UGH! Don't those people ever realise their perfumes are overpowering?!?

Weird: I love eyes.

Weird/Habit/Fact: I think everyone can be cute. Once you get to know them, and if their personalities don't suck, you'll start thinking they look good even though first impression says otherwise.

1. Sheh Ping
2. Sheh Ping
3. Sheh Ping
4. Sheh Ping
5. Melanie Hwa

If you noticed, all 5 people are related. XD So I expect to see *starts calculating* 50 things about yourself, alright? *evil laugh*