Monday, December 28, 2009

Lamebook Again

Just couldn't resist another Lamebook post. For you Twilight fans, I'm sorry if this in anyway spoils your happy, romantic feeling of the story. It made me laugh...

Then I start to wonder, what does Edward do when Bella's on her period? Hmm....

Friday, December 25, 2009

Cobwebs and Spiders

Really didn't mean to leave the blog for such a long time. Just felt lazier everytime I think of updating. Anyway, Merry Christmas. It's a late wish, but Christmas carries on for 7 days... I think. So I'm still on time!

So I came back to my blog, hopefully to get some inspirations back when I noticed how much I've been neglecting it very much. I saw this:


So ugly, ugly, ugly. So I decided to pay Photobucket a visit, hoping I did not forget my password. I didn't. I did forget my username (which, by the way, is very clearly stated in the warning message). Doh! This is what happens when you let the tired brain work.

My exams were good, week was nice, and I'm finally having holidays from working which is a plus! And this is really a crappy update. Well, I have to... unless I want to leave it until next year.

Will find more interesting stuff to post up. Til then, bye bye!